Northside Neighborhood Association, Board Minutes, Feb 4, 2013
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PRESENT: Pete Cassidy, Steve Bale, Eva Ensmann, Jennifer Braddock, Al Scovern, John
Irvin, Karen Wilson, Ryan Fleming, Bill Kiefer, Jay Ingle, Phil Points, Win Meeker, and Joe
Scott. Theresa Gilbert was excused. Tiffany Tatum was present on behalf of Councilman ChrisFord and Sarah Emmons on behalf of Transylvania University.
Ms. Tatum presented a DRAFT copy of the Revised Noise Ordinance which is now best
understood as a Public Nuisance Ordinance rather than a Noise Ordinance. She also presented applications for Summer Youth Employment. The notice will be posted on
Ms. Emmons encouraged Board members to view the Transylvania website for notice of the many campus programs open to the public , many of which are at no cost. Most of the Board members were surprised to learn the Forrer Hall dinning service is open to the public.
Approval of the Minutes of 1/7/2013 MOTION: John/Joe APPROVED
The Treasurer reported a cash balance of $23,915.95 as of January 31, 2013. MOTION:
Old Business
Committee Reports
- Phil reported that one director has been absent the last 6 meetings, two directors have been absent 5 of the last 6 meetings, one who has been absent 4 of the last. Phil will ask them if they wish to leave the Board since the By-Laws state that three consecutive absences call for their vacating the seat on the Board.
- Al requested that each director view the website. Al and the committee indicated they would bring forth guidelines for further development of
- Steve will check with Code Enforcement about West Fourth and Newtown.
- John will be joined by Win on the Safety Committee.
- Eva proposed Home and Garden Tour Sunday, May 19; each director bring one site commitment to March meeting; if we not have 15 wait until 2014.
Steve reported new trash containers are in place.
Jay will check with realty company about 412 West Third.
New Business
- Eva announced another blood drive in honor Rein Zook, March 2, 2013.Bloodmobile will be in front of her home, 442 Fayette Park, 9am – 12:30pm.
- Members will vote at the March meeting whether to change the time of theBoard meeting: 6, 6:30, 7 pm.
- Chris King will be present for the March meeting to discuss vacant land, infill and development zone.
NEXT MEETING: March 4, 2013 @ 6 pm in Rosenthal